DHP II Day two wrap-up

Wrap-up of day two of the ACDH-CH TOOL GALLERY 7.1/Digital Habsburg Platform II “Prosopographical data modeling, Digital Habsburg Platform II” – Hands on part

Following up on day one of the event, a sizable group of prosopography enthusiasts continued the ways and means of making the Nuns and Monks – Prosopographical Interfaces, NAMPI and The Viennese Court. A prosopographical portal, VieCPro data interoperable in a machine-readable fashion.

After a short summary of day one which lead into an introduction of core concepts of semantic web technology by Matej Đurčo, the brilliantly prepared ACDH-CH team guided participants in three breakout sessions aligned with different levels of abstraction:

  • Ontology level
  • Vocabulary level
  • Instance level

For those three groups that continued to work in an instance of https://researchspace.org/, the ACDH-CH team prepared training material that is available through https://howto.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/ and that does not have to be further elaborated on – apart from expressing amazement on both the scope and quality of the material they came up with (big thanks!)

In the last phase of the event, all teams joined the plenary once again to exchange their experiences with working with researchspace, with WebVOWL and with SPARQL queries.

In the end, participants have been successful in:

  • relating concepts to each other from different domains
  • preliminary conceptual or practical data massage (in the hands-on fashion, or at least or data meditation [Thomas Wallnig] in the more theoretical fashion) in order to
  • think and create convergent data (a term once more emphasized by Howard Hotson in the discussion)

Interoperability is indeed achievable, but it needs some effort and reasoning. The “Prosopographical data modeling, Digital Habsburg Platform II” event has shown throughout its two half-days that this is not exactly rocket science, but it definitely helps to have some working infrastructure and a team of tech-savvy colleagues willing to share their knowledge (and their knowledge graphs) with *.*.

The brilliant howto material made by the ACDH-CH organizing team will be made available through other channels as well, including:

Other services that were discussed include:

Once more, and in all seriousness: If you find the time to go through the training material: You will not regret it.

(For what happened in the first day of the event, cf. day one.)

/Wrap-up: Stephan Kurz, 2021-06-11/

Written on June 11, 2021